Kenneth F. Joe, Sr. Business Leadership Book Soars To Top Of Amazon Best Seller List

Published on September 26, 2016

New Life Vision, LLC recently announced that the “Business Leader Success! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders! Volume 3” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List, topping bestselling authors such as Stephen Covey and John Maxwell.

New York-  New Life Vision, LLC recently announced that the book “Business Leader Success! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders! Volume 3”” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List, topping bestselling authors such as Stephen Covey and John Maxwell.

The new business leadership book showcases leading business experts and officially secured the rank of #1 Bestseller status on the day of release.

“Kenneth F. Joe, Sr.’s chapter was a vital and valuable contribution to the success of the book” according to publisher TC Bradley.

 “ Kenneth F. Joe, Sr. is an amazing business leader, and I am thrilled we signed him to this book deal,” said Bradley.

Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Kenneth F. Joe, Sr. credits his success in life to a family foundation rooted in Christian values.  The second youngest of eight children, Kenneth learned that life is much easier when you share and listen to the wisdom of those who came before you. Although he spent many of his formative years growing up in the Wentworth Garden Projects in Chicago, Kenneth reflects “Even though we were poor, we didn’t feel it because we had love and discipline in our home; although like most households, it was “perfectly imperfect.”  Throughout the six years, I was sexually abused; I somehow knew God was with me.  This is shocking even to me since it was my Pastor who was my abuser. Ironically, the same passion that my mom had for giving us a foundation of Church & God; both led to my abuse and helped me Survive a Victor through it.”

From his humble beginnings, Kenneth went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with a minor in Social Work from Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois, a Masters of Science degree in Human Services Administration From Spertus College in Chicago, Illinois, and a Masters of Science degree in Clinical Counseling from National-Lewis University in Chicago, Illinois.

Today, Kenneth uses his expertise and passion as an advocate for children and young adults and as a Lobbyist for the State of Georgia, and to assist organizations and companies in their commitment to saving children’s lives.

Simply stated, Kenneth is dedicated to changing lives by “caring enough” and challenging us all to join in this fight.

For more information:

“Business Leader Success! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders! Volume 3” is available on at:

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