Debbie Horovitch, creator and publisher of The Silver Linings Storybook confirmed that today her service has officially extended the submission deadline for original short stories to October 28th, for international health & happiness providers to have their story published in a bestselling book this year, by the holiday season.
Horovitch describes new editions of The Silver Linings Storybook as a customizable communications activity for connecting a business message to the ideal audience, in a lasting way. “These stories are designed to inspire, motivate, and create empathy for readers; stories about the hard times that we all experience, and how each person individually realized these struggles were needed to move them forward in their life & personal relationships, their business, or their health. Telling these stories can be healing for the person sharing the story too – because it’s not just everyday publicity, they’re actually being asked to explore the benefits in their own unique experiences of disappointment, humiliation or loss.”
A Harvard Business Review article demonstrates the impact an emotional connection can make in a story from a major bank who introduced a credit card designed specifically for the financial patterns and preferences of Millennials, with the intention that it could inspire emotional connections. For them, use among the segment increased by 70%. In another example, a leading household cleaner turned market share losses into double-digit growth within a year of launching messaging to maximize an emotional connection.
First time author Tracey Battle says of her experience contributing a story to Volume 1 of The Silver Linings Storybook “Becoming an author was a long ago dream of mine. I became an average, work everyday, single mom. Gone through many ups & downs and eventually lost my purpose. But then I took a chance on one opportunity and it lead to another. One phone call and the possibility of becoming an author brought back that dream. Once I got started the words flowed. The entire process was awesome, from writing, to editing, to published! But, becoming a ‘Best Seller’, was Amazing!!! And the reaction; someone I had gifted the book to, took the time to call & ask if I knew the book was No 1!, he just saw it in the Sunday paper. Another cried when I gave it to her, then cried again after she read it. The confidence it gives you is almost scary, but in a good way. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and it can only get better.”
Many professionals decide to publish their first book, for the lifestyle and significance benefits of achieving their dreams. Online marketing experts and articles recognize the psychological impact that using the title “bestselling book author” has on anyone who looks at them or their online profiles – the title immediately establishes credibility and sets your brand apart (as an authority) to become the “go to” person in your field. It also allows you to book more paid speaking engagements and appear online socially with other high-profile speakers. As professionals leverage their own publicity and events to achieve “expert status” they will often have to increase fees to not be seen as a discount-quality service provider.
When it comes to the elusive title of bestselling book author, Kailin Gow claims in FastCompany “Perhaps those who have a bias against and should rethink that bias and realize and are doing something right in this new age of publishing and reading. Savvy literary agents and publishers realize when scouting for their next big author star to look towards Amazon’s self-published authors. Amanda Hocking was discovered that way, as well as Colleen Houck, whose Tiger’s Curse books were Amazon bestsellers.”
The Volume 2 launch events take place in Myrtle Beach, January 12, 13, 14, 2017. All coauthors and invited guests will be treated to a series of marketing and publishing celebrations for anyone who has a silver linings story in their life, and who wants to see examples of how to integrate personal storytelling into effective authority communications for business.
Copies of Volume 1 of The Silver Linings Storybook are available on Amazon in ebook and print format.
Find out more about this project, and nominate yourself or another person to be featured in an upcoming local or niche edition of The Silver Linings Storybook, by contacting the publisher Debbie Horovitch at 416-553-2157