Lee Murphy Announces U.S. Congressional Candidacy

Published on June 27, 2019

Lee Murphy announced his candidacy for Delaware’s lone U.S. Congressional seat Tuesday night. He is the only Republican to file for the seat. He was joined by dozens of supporters at Banks’ Seafood Kitchen and Raw Bar on the Riverfront in Wilmington. 

Murphy is a retired Railroader who worked 35 years as a Conductor, Engineer, and in management for Amtrak , SEPTA, and Conrail. For the last 30 years, Murphy has also worked as a professional actor.

“I’ve been a blue collar worker my entire adult life,” he explained. “Delaware family’s household income has dropped $12,000 over the past decade. Why?”

During his address to supporters, Murphy explained how Delaware is not reaping the benefits of our nation’s booming economy, and how there are less and less opportunities for younger generations to stay in Delaware and thrive. “When we have three federal elected officials- Carper, Coons, and Blunt-Rochester- going to Washington solely to obstruct the President, is it  any wonder we don’t have prosperity here at home?”

Murphy went on to highlight Delaware’s struggling education system, the burdensome cost of utilities for businesses, and the importance of legal immigration reform.  

“Our current representatives are on the wrong side. We are on the right side… I want to go to Washington- yes on that train- to deliver that message. I will work for you and work with the President to make our state- The First State- the greatest it’s ever been!” Murphy declared.

Over the course of the next year, Lee Murphy will make his way up and down the state to share his solutions to Delaware’s toughest problems. The election will be held November 3, 2020.  For more information, or to get involved with the campaign, visit GoMurph.com. 

Company Name: Authority Consulting
Contact Person: ToriAnn Parker
Email: tparker@authoritymediagroup.com
Phone: (302) 894-7700
Country: USA
Website: gomurph.com