This latest volume, which is scheduled for release in October, will include contributions from Thompson and other experts in various industries that address the growing problem of bullying.
“When I was in school bullying was very different than it is today,” says Thompson. “I have seen the effects as well as felt them through my own personal experiences, as well as through the experiences of my students. It is so important that we educate our youth about the issue of bullying. This is my way of giving back and trying to help the kids of today deal with this problem.”
BULLYPROOF: Unleash the Hero Inside Your Kid, is a project started by Alex Changho, a martial arts professional and business coach.
“There are many programs out that are meant to help parents and kids deal with bullying,” says Changho. “But so many of them are designed to ‘keep the peace’ or ‘reduce conflict at schools’ instead of actually addressing the real problem. The problem is not bullying in itself. The problem is the negative effects that bullying has on kids. The solution is to bullyproof the individual, by empowering more people, and helping them feel great about themselves. When inevitably the bullying happens, it will be ineffective.”
Thompson’s involvement in the BULLYPROOF project will bring an effective, working solution to the families of Williamson. Along with the release of the book, Thompson will hold free workshops, resources, and training for the community.
For more information about Louis Thompson and Elite Martial Arts of Williamston, visit