Matthew Loughran, Customer Acquisition Expert, Reveals Dental Patient Optimization for Successful Dental Practices in new interview with Small Business Trendsetters Magazine

Published on August 29, 2016

Matthew Loughran, Customer Acquisition Expert, was the featured in Small Business Trendsetters Magazine discussing how he helps dental practices optimize their patient mix to mitigate risk and maximize profitability.

During a recent with interview with Small Business Trendsetters Magazine, Best-selling Author and Customer Acquisition Expert, Matthew Loughran of Dental Marketing Management  discusses the importance of successful dental practices to optimize their patient mix.  Dental Marketing Management’s clients us I.D. – P.A.S., the Integrated Dental Patient Acquisition System to accomplish this goal of attracting and acquiring the profitable patient mix dental practices covet.     

In Sales and Marketing for over 13 years, Matthew Loughran has helped dozens of small and medium sized business owners, and dental groups attract and retain the client base that has the largest impact to their bottom line.   

During the interview Loughran stated, “there are typically two types of dental patients, those who are looking for a provider solely on price and those seeking the best quality of service.  The patients that are looking for quality are shopping for trust, Dental Marketing Management has proprietary systems in place to build, enhance and market that trust to attract the profitable patient mix”.

Dental Marketing Management’s I.D. – P.A.S technology, provides dental practices with an omni channel approach to patient attraction and acquisition.  

To read the full article, visit :

To learn more about Dental Marketing Management, or schedule a demo of their Patient Mix Optimization System please visit: or call 813.393.1444

Company Name: Dental Marketing Management
Contact Person: Matthew Loughran
Phone: 813.393.1444
Country: USA