Putting Kids First in Divorce ranked as a best-seller in 6 Amazon categories on the first day of its release. It ranked No. 1 in the ‘divorce and separation’ category.
The book takes a compassionate look at putting children first during a divorce, as well as sharing the benefits of pursuing a collaborative law or mediated divorce. Harrison launched and managed the multi-author project, which also included a syndicated podcast series on DivorceBuddy.co, to help raise awareness and educate those going through divorce about the alternatives to court litigation, as well as the strategies to focus on children in divorce. The premise being, if the children’s needs are being met, then the divorce will naturally become more amicable and compromising.
According to Harrison, “Putting Kids First in Divorce was a labor of love. As co-founder of DivorceBuddy.co, I heard first-hand accounts of the pain and destruction that family law and a litigated divorce has on families. I felt compelled to educate and advocate for collaborative law, mediation and divorce coaching practices. Often the first thing people do when they file for divorce is to call up a family law attorney who will litigate their case in court. You suddenly have a father and mother suing one another, with attorneys that have zero incentive to help facilitate a quick and compromising resolve. Sadly, most divorcing couples have no clue there are alternatives to a litigated divorce. I feel we have provided the education and guidance around collaborative divorce alternatives very successfully with Putting Kids First in Divorce. I couldn’t be happier with the group of professionals we choose for this project and the actionable insights they provide in the book.”
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To learn more about, or purchase Putting Kids First in Divorce, visit: http://divorcebuddy.co/putting-kids-first-book