Nations Media Group Launches Search For North Carolina Medical, Health And Wellness Professionals To Be Featured In New Book Project

Published on April 14, 2016

Nations Media Group begins the search for North Carolina Medical, Health and Wellness Professionals to be included in their upcoming book project that will benefit the Autism Society of North Carolina.

Bill Kopatich, President of Nations Media Group confirmed they have officially launched a statewide search for medical, health and wellness professionals, to be featured in the upcoming book, “Health And Wellness In North Carolina: Tips and Innovations For A Healthy Life.” The book will be featuring a variety of professionals including medical doctors and surgeons, chiropractic doctors, fitness coaches, health and diet coaches, alternative medicine practitioners, dentists and orthodontists.

Explaining the search process, Kopatich said, “This is an important book for us, so we’ll be reaching out to a select group of medical, health and wellness professionals we feel are true educators and advocates for the success of people here in North Carolina, while at the same time committing to spread the word about a great organization like the Autism Society of North Carolina.” 

Nations Media Group has pledged 100% of the royalties from the retail sales of the book to be donated to the Autism Society of North Carolina.

Scheduled for a Summer 2016 release, “Health And Wellness In North Carolina: Tips and Innovations For A Healthy Life,” will spotlight each of the professionals selected from this search, sharing their insights, tips and innovations for healing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Kopatich said, “The professionals we select are passionate about helping people overcome health issues and learning about maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle. They will answer the common questions and bust the myths and misconceptions so many people have about their health.”

With several medical, health and wellness professionals expressing interest in participating, Nations Media Group is expected to make an announcement revealing the final selections by May 16, 2016.

Kopatich also stated, “We anticipate a lot of exposure around this project, for both the Autism Society of North Carolina and the people we select to feature in the book, so we really want to showcase those medical, health and wellness professionals who are willing to share their knowledge for the benefit of readers and to help a great cause.”

For over 46 years the Autism Society of North Carolina (ASNC) has worked to address areas of need and expand services for the autism community in North Carolina. The organization works to directly improve the lives of individuals and families affected by autism through advocacy, training and education, and direct services. ASNC is a direct care service provider, offering a variety of residential, recreational, vocational, and community-based services that are designed to meet individual and family needs, interests and strengths.

To learn more about the Autism Society of North Carolina, visit

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Company Name: Nations Media Group
Contact Person: Bill Kopatich
Phone: 704-625-0097
Country: United States