Southern Eye Center has opened the doors to the first-of-its-kind “Reading Restoration Center of Excellence.” The center is designed specifically to help patients who have become dependent on reading glasses, bifocals and trifocals enjoy better vision and an improved quality of life.
This announcement correlates with Southern Eye Center’s selection as one of only thirty practices in the U.S. to launch the recently FDA-approved Kamra corneal inlay, one of several near-vision solutions offered at the Reading Restoration Center of Excellence. The Kamra device and other treatments offered at the center are primarily designed to help patients overcome Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome, or DLS.
DLS is a common, age-related condition in which the eye’s lens progressively loses its natural flexibility. Most patients begin to notice these changes around age 40, as they find themselves holding newspapers and books further away, eventually needing reading glasses to bring small print back into focus.
The corneal inlay procedure is the latest FDA approved solution for surgical correction of DLS. It allows patients, who find themselves requiring readers for the first time, to choose a better, more aesthetically pleasing option. This procedure is designed to deliver clear near vision even as DLS progresses.
“The Kamra inlay is the first of its kind. We’ve had huge success across the globe in over 50 countries, but having the U.S. approval really just supports how critical this product is,” said James Mazzo, CEO of Acufocus at the ASCRS Conference in April.
The fellowship-trained surgeons at Southern Eye Center will offer this advanced technology as part of their “Reading Restoration Center of Excellence” designed to provide better vision to patients with near vision issues.
“Corneal inlays are a versatile option for patients because they can be used to enhance visual acuity for patients who have had a LASIK procedure or patients who have had traditional mono-focal cataracts procedure,” said Cameron Griffith, MD, surgeon at Southern Eye Center.
“The corneal inlay works like a camera, using a small aperture to expand depth of focus for patients with near vision issues,” says Kiper Nelson, MD. “It is inserted into the non-dominant eye and blocks unfocused and peripheral light rays while allowing central light rays to pass through a small central aperture. Just like in a camera, this aperture focuses light properly to give patients a full range of vision.”
The procedure is quick and virtually painless, similar to the LASIK procedure, and the cost is comparable to LASIK as well. To discover more about the options for treating DLS, call Southern Eye Center’s Reading Restoration Center of Excellence today to schedule a consultation.
More information can be found at