Scott Yates, CEO of BlogMutt,Talks Entrepreneurship & Content with Mike Saunders of Marketing Huddle on Business Innovators Radio Show

Published on April 25, 2016

Scott Yates, of BlogMutt, recently discussed entrepreneurship and online content on Business Innovators Radio, a show hosted by Mike Saunders. Mr. Yates spoke about his background in journalism, and how his path to BlogMutt was preceded by startup success.

During the interview, Mr. Yates described BlogMutt’s ability to meet needs in the content marketplace, by utilizing a smart, laser-focused business model that leverages writers and crowdsourcing. This model allows BlogMutt to keep its costs low for business clients, while paying writers a fair wage relative to the content they’re creating.

BlogMutt’s business has benefited clients and writers in unexpected and positive ways. When it comes to writers, it has allowed some of them to quit or negate holding a traditional nine-to-five job, so that they can stay home with their children or pursue other avenues of interest, such as school work. The ability of writers to work anytime from anywhere has created better situations for entire families.

Clients have also benefited, because the service has negated their need to hire a full time writer or content marketing specialist. BlogMutt allows small and medium sized businesses to keep their overhead low, so they can grow faster.

Mr. Yates noted that the screening process for writers and maintaining quality content is a continual challenge, but one that the company has thus far overcome. He also added that BlogMutt has learned how to innovate without spending a lot of money on coders or equipment, which is an important message for all startups.

To learn more about BlogMutt and its business model, be sure to visit

Mr. Yates’ interview is available on iTunes, Stitcher and Business Innovators Magazine Radio Show at

To be considered for an upcoming interview please visit: Marketing Huddle at

Company Name: Marketing Huddle
Contact Person: Mike Saunders, MBA
Phone: 888-467-7702
Country: United States