Southern Eye Center Surgeon First to Perform Corneal Inlay Procedure in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama

Published on July 6, 2015

Dr. Cameron Griffith, cornea surgeon at Southern Eye Center’s Reading Restoration Center for Excellence, was the first surgeon in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama to perform the revolutionary Kamra corneal inlay procedure on Tuesday, June 30, 2015.

July 6, 2015. . . Dr. Cameron Griffith, cornea surgeon at Southern Eye Center’s Reading Restoration Center for Excellence, was the first surgeon in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama to perform the revolutionary Kamra corneal inlay procedure on Tuesday, June 30, 2015. Eleven patients received the Kamra inlay at Southern Eye Center making this a groundbreaking event in Mississippi and the surrounding states. This procedure is the first of its kind to offer a long-term solution for patients over-40 who struggle with their reading vision.

The Kamra corneal inlay is uniquely designed to restore reading vision for over-40 patients while helping them maintain quality distance vision as well. This procedure has helped patients around the world reduce and in some cases eliminate the need for reading glasses.

As people age, the eye’s natural lens tends to harden and become less flexible. As a result, the eye has a difficult time focusing up close on things such as menus, computer screens, cell phones and newspapers. This condition, commonly referred to as presbyopia, usually occurs around age 40 and is the reason many people over 40 find themselves running to the drug store for reading glasses.

“In the past we’ve been able to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness and even astigmatism, but after 40, most patients still needed reading glasses. Before the Kamra inlay, we didn’t have the last piece of the puzzle – now we do,” says Dr. Griffith. “If a patient comes in and they’ve lost their ability to see up close, we can insert a corneal inlay to give them a life free of reading glasses.”

The corneal inlay is inserted into a patient’s non-dominant eye and is able to correct near vision issues with a tiny ring-shaped device that sits in the first few layers of the eye known as the cornea. It is smaller than a contact lens and cannot be seen with the naked eye once implanted.

“With the Kamra inlay, I’m able to see my cell phone, the date on my watch and my computer screen without wearing reading glasses, “ says patient, Jeff Lafferty. “My job depends on me being able to see my computer screen, so this procedure is ideal for me.”

Southern Eye Center was one of only 30 practices in the United States to launch the new FDA approved Kamra corneal inlay as part of their Reading Restoration Center of Excellence.

For more information on the corneal inlay or to schedule your consultation, contact Southern Eye Center at 601.450.2020 or visit

Company Name: Southern Eye Center
Contact Person: Pam Bates
Phone: 601.450.2020
Country: US