Sports Psychologist Dr. Michelle Cleere Reaches Three Amazon Best Seller Lists with Beating the Tennis Demons

Published on April 27, 2015

Beating the Tennis Demons by Dr. Michelle Cleere hits # 1 on the Sports Psychology Best Sellers List, as well as in the Tennis and Sports And Outdoors Categories.

April 27, 2015 – Sports Psychologist, Dr. Michelle Cleere, hit #1 on the Sports Psychology Best Sellers List on April 27, 2015 for the release of Beating the Tennis Demons. The book also ranked Number 1 in the Tennis and Sports And Outdoors categories.

Beating the Tennis Demons System is the result of Dr. Cleere’s work with athletes in her quest to discovering what has the greatest impact on athletes, in the shortest amount of time.

Dr. Cleere found out the key moments in the game of tennis. These key moments are prime opportunities for the demons to jump in and sabotage tennis players. This is how the Beating the Tennis Demons System was born.

Identifying the key moments in the game of tennis led Dr. Cleere to develop routines that help players step into the court, serve and bounce back from mistakes with confidence and speed.

When a player is on the court they have to apply all the explicit learning that takes place during practice and use it as implicit muscle memory. The human brain is like a muscle. New research shows that, as with muscles, the more a certain part of the brain is used, the larger it will get and the better it works. London taxi drivers have very large hippocampi – the part of the brain that deals with spatial mapping.

The takeaway for a tennis player is that the more they practice learning how to use their brain in a way that facilitates being present and mindful in practice, the more it will be able to do that in a match. The more their brain is able to deal with adversity: stress, doubts, fears, etc. in life, the better it will work on the court.

The results that athletes experience when they are able to overcome the tennis demons include: improved focus, better consistency, increased confidence, less tension and the ability to move around the court more fluidly.

Fear and anxiety are two of the most common denominators in the inability of a tennis player to win a match. “Never play from a place of fear. Fear controls everything particularly your concentration. Fear makes you late and tentative on your strokes and leaves you second guessing the placement of your first serve. Fear stiffens your muscles and makes your breathing shallow. None of this facilitates you playing your best tennis”, advices Dr. Cleere.

Dr. Cleere’s clients have been able to get out of their head and focus at the task at hand. They have been capable of letting go of the past, forgetting about the future and being present because they realize that is where they have the most control.

Dr. Cleere states, “Over the years what I realized is that most athletes only need small tweaks to make a huge difference. That is the foundation of the Beating the Demons System. The Beating the Tennis Demons System helps Tennis players stay out of their head (away from the demons) and focused on playing tennis.”

To learn more about Dr. Michelle Cleere visit

Beating the Tennis Demons is available on Kindle at


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