The new book, called Heart of a Fighter, is focused on women who lead lives of success in relationships, business, family, or overall in their lives.
Heart of a Fighter shares its title with Oliver’s non-profit, which has the mission of empowering women of service to build a life of health and wellness through resources and training.
Oliver is no stranger to facing fear, and overcoming obstacles in her own life. In a Time magazine article in 1979 titled, “Women in non-traditional roles” she was highlighted for becoming one the first female flight crew in the military.
When she entered the military in 1976, Oliver knew she was signing up for something that would test her but she had no idea what would be in store. First was the uphill battle of being the only female in the squadron and wanting to become the first female flight crew. The guys were not all that thrilled about her being there and she was tested time and again. She overcame that and in 1977 she became a qualified aviation mechanic and was pinned with gold wings of Naval Aviation Flight Crew.
Oliver shares this story and others alongside the other contributors to the book who have their own experiences of facing challenges.
The women contributing their experiences to the book include Oliver, Suzanne Burgess, Ivette Pinela, Susanne Sulby, Shelly Anderson, and Shannon Baker.
Heart of a Fighter releases this summer, and will be available on Amazon Kindle as well as paperback formats. All proceeds from the sales go to the Heart of a Fighter non-profit.
For more information about Suzanne Oliver and Heart of a Fighter, visit