The Ultimate Facebook Sales Generator For Realtors Launches To The World

Published on July 1, 2016

On June 1st, marketing expert Whitney Bingham launched a new system for Facebook marketing. The system has brand new real estate agents selling as much as four million dollars in real estate, in as little as six months.

Over the last two years Whitney Bingham has been testing and perfecting her unique and highly effective, Facebook marketing program.  

The program originally came about as Bingham was attempting to find more effective means for marketing pest control services for the company she was working for in Salt Lake City, Utah.  

“It’s been such an amazing experience to create a program that has so positively benefited so many people and their businesses.   At times I wondered if it was worth the effort.  However, now that so many people are becoming successful I am extremely thrilled,” stated Bingham.

Bingham took the struggling pest control company, which at the time had small sales and an unmotivated  staff, to huge profitability within 18 months.  Originally, the company was marketing with cold calls, direct mail and door to door sales.  However, the Facebook system raised their sales by over 200 percent in 2 years. 

As Bingham’s reputation grew for her marketing success, Bingham had more and more companies contact her about her unique Facebook marketing methods.  She was able to dramatically raise other clients sales, in  variety of markets, across the board.   

Bingham then decided to focus on the Real Estate market.  She tweaked her course and its methods specifically for the real estate niche and has obtained incredible results for her clients. 

One of her first clients, Dave Vance, went from selling beds to selling real estate.  Vance started as a struggling sales person.  However, after taking the course and diligently applying the methodology, he has sold over four million in real estate in the last six months.

Mr. Vance was quoted as saying, “It was the best investment I made for my social media department. I have utilized everything that she has taught and my business has increased from it.”  

For more information on Bingham’s course and Facebook marketing, visit her Facebook page.

Company Name: Total Success Business Solutions
Contact Person: Teresa Lechtenberg
Phone: 801-899-0330
Country: USA