Since 1966, Trish has served the Delaware Board as Legislation, Education, Membership, Fundraising & Development, Federation Day Chairman, County Vice President, elected as Nominating Committee Chairman, and appointed as Parliamentarian.
She has been State President, Region President, International Liaison, Domestic Violence, Fundraising, and Campaign for the Future Committee Member.
Honored as a GFWC Jennie Awardee in 2014, Delaware Mother of the Year 1995, Dover Citizen of the Year, and a NFRWÂ Diamond Awardee. She served as a National President of American Mothers, Inc.
Trish co-organized Project Promise with UNESCO to start a Shoe Factory in Nairobi, Kenya. She organized the Single Ladies in Fellowship and expanded the Overcoming Faith Orphanage in Kenya.
She married Nicholas Rodriguez and they have three children Laura, Charlie, & Ginny — two grandchildren Elizabeth and IG III. Trish is an avid Lady Angler.
About the Delaware Federation of Women’s Clubs
GFWC Delaware is a nonprofit federation of 23 community women’s clubs located throughout the state of Delaware. GFWC Delaware is a proud member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The New Century Club of Wilmington, Delaware was organized in 1889, the same year that delegates first met in New York City to consider a national organization, to be known as the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC.)
By 1898, when a state federation was formed in Delaware, the Wilmington club was already an important community institution. GFWC Delaware comes together as unique individuals and community women’s clubs dedicated to serving our communities through various community improvement and education projects. Our mission is to enhance the lives of others in Delaware through volunteer service. (