Craig Cassidy Tops Amazon Best-Seller Lists With New Book on Retirement Planning

Published on September 6, 2016

Craig Cassidy, President & CEO of Financial Vision & Investment Services, Inc. tops best-seller lists with his new book, Make Retirement Simple. This book brings together four financial experts sharing their extensive years of experience in the financial industry in regards to planning for retirement.

The new book hit best-seller lists on within 24 hours of release. It was ranked #1 in the Kindle “Taxation” category, as well as #1 in the Kindle “Knowledge Capital” and also #1 in the “Small Business Taxation” category. The book was also featured as a “Hot New Release” and featured in the Management & Leadership and Human Resources categories too.

Make Retirement Simple – Volume 1 is the first in a series of books highlighting the experience of financial experts around the country who specialize in ethically serving the individual needs of their clients through education and dedication to their work. In this volume, Craig shares his knowledge along with Tim Turner, Travis Evans and Jeffery Biro as they travel through their careers and share stories of successful retirement planning as well as covering some of the misconceptions and pitfalls.

Cassidy, ecstatic about the success of the book stated, “I am overwhelmed with joy to hear how well my first book is being excepted. It has already hit best seller status in three categories in just a short time.  It is apparent that retirement issues are a very high priority in people’s life’s.”

As an IAR (Investment Advisor Representative), Craig has worked with hundreds of clients from coast to coast, employing comprehensive planning services and development strategies with the goals of helping clients increase income, reduce taxation, and never run out of money in retirement.

For over 20 years, Craig R. Cassidy has been helping family, friends and neighbors meet their financial goals and plan for the future. Craig has pursued a singular mission – to develop retirement income plans to help his clients ensure their “Golden Years” are just that, truly golden, and in the process, create an income stream for life. Financial Vision is completely independent and works exclusively on behalf of its clients.

Craig works with his wife, Patricia, and their Client Relations Manager, Kristina Yacobucci. They have a strong commitment to their clients and are often referred to as “The Advisors Who Care.” Financial Vision and Investment Services, Inc. lives by the motto, “People Don’t Care What You Know, Until They Know That You Care!”

For more information about Craig Cassidy and Financial Vision & Investment Services, visit: 

To purchase a copy of Make Retirement Simple, visit:

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