BizSmart Publishing Launches Search for Professionals to Be Featured in New Book Project

Published on May 12, 2016

BizSmart Publishing begins the search for professional service firm owners to be included in their upcoming book project that will benefit the Prosperous Living Achievement Center (PLAC) of Raleigh, NC.

Donna Gunter, President of BizSmart Publishing, confirmed they have officially launched a nationwide search for business professionals and business owners to be featured in the upcoming book, Be the Spark: Lessons Learned from Starting a Business.

Explaining the search process, Gunter said, “This is an important book for us, so we’ll be reaching out to a select group of business professionals and business owners we feel are true educators and advocates for their clients in North America, while at the same time committing to spread the word about a great organization like Prosperous Living Achievement Center (PLAC).”

BizSmart Publishing has pledged 100% of the royalties from the retail sales of the book to be donated to Prosperous Living Achievement Center (PLAC).

Prosperous Living Achievement Center (PLAC), a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, was established in July of 2011. It, however, started its operations in 2008 by providing leadership programs in Raleigh that served economically disadvantaged, at-risk children who are experiencing behavioral and academic problems. Presently, it is benefiting many underprivileged children and families by providing them with academic, social, and emotional supports and assistance.

PLAC is dedicated to pursuing its initiative of preparing every youth in its service area to excel as young leaders of tomorrow. They equip the youth with academic excellence to help them face the challenges that await them beyond the classroom in a safe, nurturing, and highly-structured environment.

Scheduled for a mid-summer release, Be the Spark: Lessons Learned from Starting a Business, will spotlight each of the professionals and business owners selected from this search, sharing their insights and real world experience on the life and business lessons they have learned from flexing their entrepreneurial muscles and starting their own businesses.

Gunter added,This book isn’t just about entrepreneurship. The business professionals we select are passionate about helping their own clients as well as giving a hand up to upcoming entrepreneurs. They will answer the most common questions and bust the myths and misconceptions so many people have about business startup. Be the Spark: Lessons Learned from Starting a Business will cover how business owners found their target market, how they got started, mistakes they made along the way, and what they would do differently if starting again. It’s the kind of valuable information that is rarely shared or talked about but is so vital to up-and-coming business owners.”

With several industry leaders expressing interest in participating, BizSmart Publishing is expected to make an announcement revealing the final selections by early summer 2016.

However, Gunter asserted, “One of the reasons we launched this search is because we didn’t want to go the route of filling this book with the stereotypical ‘Experts.’  This search would be unnecessary if that was the case. Instead, we’re seeking successful local and regionally-based business leaders who would love to share their stories for a great cause.

“We anticipate a lot of exposure around this project, for both Prosperous Living Achievement Center (PLAC), and the people we select to feature in the book, so we really want to showcase those business professionals who are actually in the trenches, working hard every day and willing to share that experience to benefit a great cause and the success of startup entrepreneurs.  That’s what will make this a win-win-win project.”

Find out more about this project at

Company Name: BizSmart Media
Contact Person: Donna Gunter
Phone: 409-291-8570
Country: United States