Dr. Kalpana Rao is an educator who has dedicated her career to helping students in general, with a special emphasis on people of color who are sometimes neglected in many educational systems. With a remarkable resume that most recently includes being a Denver Public School Principal, Kalpana Rao was recently selected for the Advisory Council of Teach for America, a national organization that works with educators of color to help leadership development, community building, and collective action.
“I believe I am well-poised to support the above work because of my deep belief and continuous study of best transforming the life outcomes of our students,” commented Dr. Kalpana Rao, about her new role with Teach for America. “I am constantly trying new approaches in my own school, and learning from colleagues within and beyond my district community. I also believe my expertise in serving English Language Learners will be an asset to the type of thinking I think is critical to our success. Moreover, I live and breathe the work of equity—ensuring our students are supported, loved, challenged and given all the tools they need to succeed is my life’s work.”
According to Rao, some of her recent accomplishments, in addition to her work as a Denver Principal, have included being one of the authors of the Framework of Effective Teaching, used for observing educators, and also having led the work of Peer Observers, a unique team of recent teachers now serving as peer evaluators for teachers.
Teach For America’s nonprofit work for educational equity and excellence continues, and Kalpana J. Rao is certainly happy to be able to be a part of it.
For more information on Dr. Kalpana J. Rao be sure to visit http://kalpanarao.com