Life and Business Coach Scott Nielsen, hit #1 on the Business Consulting category Best Sellers List on February 28 2018 for the release of Local Business Mavericks. The book also ranked No. 1 in the Information Management category on
Local Business Mavericks Volume 17, is a compilation of 1 on 1 conversations with some of the top entrepreneurs in their industry. Each contributing author reveals their strategies for helping overcome the toughest obstacles standing in the way of their customers success.
Scott Nielsen, “This trust level that I have with my clients ensures that I am, number one, listening, but more importantly, that I can understand where this individual is from a standpoint of where they want to go. It’s not a judgment, it’s not a role that says, “You can’t look that way,” or “You can’t think that way”. Certainly, when I play this role as a coach I have a responsibility to say, “You may have some obstacles, you may have some things you’re going to have to overcome, but everything can be achieved if we put together the right map or the right understanding of where things need to go”. Granted, developing and following a coaching plan doesn’t mean that everybody can all of a sudden wake up tomorrow and become a race car driver. That’s not how these things work. But certainly, from a career standpoint, and in terms of where somebody wants to lean, it doesn’t mean that they couldn’t get into the racing industry, it just means that they may not be the driver.”
Scott states, “The shift in the workplace dynamic has arrived in the way of people lacking experience. What’s being lost during this particular time period is not necessarily the knowledge, but the experience base. The problem we are facing is that we’re not properly set-up or structured to help make that transition happen fast enough, so we’ve got some hills to climb. Addressing this gap in experience is where coaching, specifically in organizations, is more important than ever. This is a huge shift from a generational standpoint.”
For the past several years, Scott has been focused on coaching, training, and developing people and organizations. His passion is moving people and organizations forward, through the use of proven transactional processes while applying transformational thinking. His target groups are small to mid- size organizations looking to become more thought-dimensional in their abilities to grow, as well as professionals new to their careers. Scott also coaches those who are looking for a change, be it a promotion, a change of companies, or even a complete career change.
In addition to Scott’s B.S. Degree in Education and M.S. Degree in Organizational Management, he is an Adjunct Business Instructor at Chadron State College, a guest lecturer for the Brewery Operations Degree program at Metro State University, and Scott also has certifications in Emergenetics, Action Learning, and the ROI Institute. Last but not least, Scott has certifications to be a Professional Life Coach.
Scott D. Nielsen
Local Business Mavericks Volume 17 is available on Kindle at