Victor Bell Jr., Author of “30 DAYS OF WAR” Reveals How Married Male Entrepreneurs Are Winning It All in Business and Life on Influencers Radio

Published on September 9, 2016

Author of “30 DAYS OF WAR”, Victor Bell Jr., talks about his new book and winning it all in marriage, business and life on recent interview with Influencers Radio.

During a recent episode of Influencers Radio with Jack Mize, Victor Bell Jr., Founder of the Champion Program for Male Entrepreneurs and author of “30 DAYS OF WAR”, discussed the psychological battle scars collected by successful male entrepreneurs.

According to Bell, what he calls the Panic, Pressure and Pain is often unrecognized in a culture that idolizes the Mark Zuckerbergs and the Elon Musks and celebrates the meteoric growth of startups.

Bell, who typically works with married, male entrepreneurs and businessmen, described the Panic, Pressure and Pain when he said,“These are middle age guys, they put a lot of time and energy into growing something that matters to them. Now they have all the emotions that go along with that, as well as being married and keeping their marriage and their home life together, as well as being a dad and a good father”. Bell went on to explain, “That can be tough. If you lull or if you even become stagnant you can lose everything. You have a lot riding on your ability to continue to move through those, the panic, pressure and pain of either growth or even sustaining where you’re at”.

When host Jack Mize pressed Bell on the reality of being able to achieve true balance in the areas of business, marriage and family. “No. There’s integration.” Bell responded. “a lot of entrepreneurs especially at the highest level have said, well there’s not really balance but there is integration. I can integrate my life with my business because my business has become my life. My marriage and all the people that I involve myself with, have to really be on board with this because this is what we do, this is who we’ve come over time”.

According to Bell, achieving that integration to become, as he describes, a Champion Male Entrepreneur is something that has to be fought for, and the war begins against the enemy ‘within’.

Bell’s recently released book, “30 DAYS OF WAR”, is a unique combination of daily affirmation, declaration and battle plan for ‘Winning It All’ in Marriage, Business and Life. The book’s description declares, “Before you can Dominate in the game of business, life or relationships you must win the battle against your toughest opponent… Yourself”.

Recognizing what one really wants in life and then being accountable and committed to taking the responsibility to do what needs to be done to achieve this is at the core of Bell’s message.

Accountability and commitment are two things Bell does extremely well. In the world of Men’s Personal Development, Victor Bell Jr. and his Champion Program is considered the ‘Secret Weapon’ to an army of elite male entrepreneurs when it comes to winning the success war.

Bell says “30 DAYS OF WAR” is a result of his own commitment to “reach more men and help them to achieve extraordinary results by challenging, motivating and inspiring them to wage war against the enemy within so they can become the man they deserve to be”.

30 DAYS OF WAR is available in both Kindle and Paperback editions online at and other major book retailers.
To hear the full interview on Influencers Radio visit

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